UMSU Welcomes New International Students
Urmia University of Medical Sciences(UMSU) Welcomes Its New Students
On December 28, 2024, Urmia University of Medical Sciences(UMSU) held a warm welcome ceremony for its newest cohort of international students. Over 200 students from various countries were gathered to celebrate the start of their academic journey at the university. Featured remarks from key university officials, including Dr. Taheri, head of representative of the spiritual leader in University, Dr. Fattahi, vice chancellor for student and cultural affairs. Dr. Fereidouni, international campus manager, Dr. Asemi international affairs manneger. The ceremony aimed to provide a welcoming and informative environment for the new international students, helping them feel integrated into the university community. UMSU continues to strengthen its internationalization efforts, welcoming students from around the globe and enriching the academic and cultural diversity of the campus.
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