At the beginning of the 21st century, the rise of cellular and molecular sciences in various scientific fields has caused a fundamental change in all scientific fields, and in this direction, medical science has had the greatest scientific benefit and service from this perspective. The birth of modern medical sciences such as molecular medicine, nanomedicine, Omix science-based medicine, and some other disciplines has created a spark of hope for a leap forward in the treatment of diseases and the discovery of the causes of diseases. Utilizing the capacity of these sciences not only in various scientific fields but also in expanding educational structures has led to the early birth of third and fourth-generation universities. The added value of goods and services produced by third and fourth-generation universities has enabled developed and industrialized countries to have a special place in creating a knowledge-based economy, and from this perspective, the economic position of modern universities has flourished.
The Molecular Cell Medicine Research Institute is located on the third and fourth floors of the university's central laboratory complex. This complex, with an infrastructure of more than 2000 square meters, is ready for comprehensive use in terms of research and scientific capabilities, and due to the close physical connection with the university reference laboratories and the pathology department, it will easily facilitate interdisciplinary research. The physical structure of this research institute, due to its location inside the city and its physical proximity to the largest educational and medical center in the province, has made it possible for it to become the center of molecular cellular research operations soon.
It also benefits from research requirements in the field of molecular cell medicine. This research institute has a very special position not only in terms of research but also in terms of the university entering the third generation of universities. The Ministry of Health and Medical Education has emphasized the importance of education and research so that the Islamic Republic can have entrepreneurial and wealth-creating universities in its climate management in the shortest possible time. The path and roadmap of this sanctity in the group of mobilizing the engine of university expansion are from the perspective of the research institute and the research institute, and there is no doubt that this is of vital and prestigious value for the university.
The license for the establishment and approval of the Molecular Cellular Medicine Research Institute of the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services of West Azerbaijan Province was issued by the Council for the Development of Medical Universities in May 2016 after many years of efforts by research centres and with staff and operational support. This research institute includes three research centers: Cellar and Molecular Research Center, Neurophysiology Research Center, and Solid Tumour Research Center. Each of the mentioned centers has a suitable resume of scientific research activities and, in combination with each other, can become a coherent and directional research structure.