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Department of Vector Biology and Control of Diseases




Head of Department: Dr. Saber Gholizadeh

Field of study: Ph.D. in medical entomology and vector control

Academic rank: Professor

E-mail: saberghlizadeh@yahoo.com - saber@umsu.ac.ir

Tel: +9844- 32752303, +9844- 32752301 domestic (225)


This Department aims to provide training in the theoretical and practical aspects of the biology and control of disease vectors as well as the human pathogens that they transmit, and equip students with specialized skills to facilitate careers in global health that demand knowledge of the molecular biology of infectious diseases.


History of Department:

In 2009, the Department of Vector Biology and Control of Diseases was launched as the first master's degree program in the School of Public Health at Urmia University of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with Tehran University of Medical Sciences under the Department of Public Health. Admission and student training in this field have been conducted independently at this university since 2015, following the decision made during the 258th session of the Council for the Development of Medical Sciences Universities. As per the notification from the Development Council of the Ministry (Letter No. 1029 dated 4/9/2017) and the approval of the Center for Development of Management and Administrative Transformation of the Ministry, the Department of Vector Biology and Control of Diseases was officially established at this university.

The mission of the Department of Vector Biology and Control of Diseases:

  1. Training of skilled human resources in master's degree in Vector Biology and Control of Diseases to serve in educational, research and executive jobs and improve the level of public health in the country.
  2. Training of forces knowledgeable about current scientific issues, capable, responsible and sensitive to the health of individuals and society in the field of problems and diseases caused by arthropods.
  3. Training of specialist forces in the fields of biology, ecology and identification of vectors and epidemiology and entomology care in order to prevent and control pests and diseases related to arthropods.


Courses currently available:

Master's degree in Vector Biology and Control of Diseases


Laboratories and specialized facilities:


First name and last name: Fereshteh Ghahvechi Khaligh

Side: Expert in medical entomology and vector control

Degree of education: Master of Medical Entomology and vector control


Entomology Museum and Laboratory:

The museum is a place to keep all kinds of arthropods. Entomology museum is the mainstay of practical classes related to medical entomology. This laboratory, with an 18-year history, was established by Dr. Farrokh Dabiri, a distinguished professor in the Department of Medical Entomology. Within this educational and research facility, there are approximately 30,000 specimens representing various groups of arthropods, including insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and more. These samples are meticulously maintained under specific storage conditions.

The specimens housed in this laboratory serve multiple purposes, including educational training in arthropod identification units, medical entomology, and specialized research. Moreover, a number of master's students specializing in medical entomology utilize these samples for their research theses. The laboratory is equipped with essential tools and equipment for specimen identification and mounting, such as microscopes, binoculars, and cameras.

Furthermore, research projects focused on biological control and the evaluation of the effectiveness of these methods are actively conducted in this laboratory. Over the years, this unique educational space has welcomed numerous visits from university officials, student groups, and individual students, all eager to explore its offerings and resources.

Laboratory expert: Dr. Farrokh Dabiri


Pesticides Laboratory:

The activities of this department are in the form of introducing poisons for pest control and spraying techniques. It is also a place to hold practical classes for students and internships for master's students in transporter biology. This laboratory with an 18-year history has been set up by the veteran professor of the Department of Medical Entomology, Dr. Farrokh Dabiri. Identification of medically important insects with microscopic methods and advice on the use of poisons in the fight against household pests and the integrated management of vectors are among the functions of this laboratory.

Laboratory expert: Dr. Abdullah Naghian


Insect Molecular Biology Laboratory:

Due to the expansion of molecular biology in various branches of biological sciences and the use of this science in various fields of medical entomology, a laboratory under the name of insect molecular biology laboratory is being built. The physical space of this laboratory has been provided and facilities such as biological hood, material storage shelves, more than 50 chemical substances needed in molecular studies, computers and cooling devices have also been installed in this space. Currently, part of the activities related to master's students' theses are carried out in this laboratory, study in the fields of molecular systematics of disease vectors, molecular investigation of mechanisms of resistance to insecticides, molecular epidemiology of diseases transmitted by arthropods, etc., including the project are being done in this laboratory.

Devices in laboratories:

Ben Mary device, Centrifuge, Digital laboratory scale, Fluorescent microscope, Laboratory hood, Refrigerated centrifuge, Stereomicroscope (loupe), Water distiller, Hot block, Autoclave, Electrophoresis device, Gel dock device, Heater stirrer, Incubator, Microscope, Nitrogen tank, Real time device, Thermo cycler, Vortex device




Arthropods and insects must be raised and kept under appropriate temperature and humidity and require regular and daily care in the medical entomology department. Breeding of these species is done in order to carry out research projects of professors and students inside and outside the faculty.

Insectarium expert: Fereshteh Ghahvechi Khaligh




 Address: Department of Medical Entomology and Vector Control, School of Health, Nazlou Campus, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, I.R.IRAN


Tel: +9844-32752296

Fax: +9844-32770047

 Web: http://health.umsu.ac.ir

Email: academic.relations@umsu.ac.ir

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