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Head of Department of Health Economics and Management

First and last name: Dr. Hassan Yusefzadeh

Field of study: Health Economics

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Email: yusefzadeh.h@umsu.ac.ir




History and Introduction of Health Economics and Management Department

In alignment with the Public Health School’s commitment to expanding education in various fields, particularly interdisciplinary ones, the proposal to establish a graduate-level program in health economics and management was put forth. This led to the establishment of a graduate-level program in health economics within the Public Health School and the Department of Public Health in September 2016. The following​​​​​​​ approval from the University Council in 2017, the Department of Health Economics and Management was officially established. The department celebrated its first batch of master’s graduates in 2019. In 2023, the department began accepting students for the Master’s degree program in health service management.

The Department of Health Economics and Management of Urmia University of Medical Sciences has been training students in the Master’s degree of Health (non-continuous) since 2017 and Health Services Management (non-continuous) since 2023.

Health economics focuses on the instruction and application of economic tools and concepts across various health-related disciplines. It thoroughly examines the health market, including its evolution, key participants, available resources, and potential limitations. Furthermore, it prioritizes understanding the needs and collective health priorities, offering students a comprehensive health economics landscape.

Health Services Management is situated within the purview of human sciences and represents an interdisciplinary knowledge domain applied within the realm of medical sciences. Its primary scope of responsibilities encompasses strategic planning, organizational structuring, coordination, leadership, and oversight in healthcare establishments, all directed towards optimizing productivity and attaining predefined performance benchmarks, while concurrently meeting the evolving needs and demands of the healthcare system.

Graduates of Health Services Management and Health Economics will serve in educational, consultative, research, and executive capacities in the health system.

The mission of the Department of Health Economics and Management:

  • Training students based on the curricula announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education
  • Increasing students’ eligibility and competency to promote master’s and PhD levels and improving the efficiency and productivity of health resources
  • Providing Master, MPH, and PhD courses in the School of Public Health


Course details

Course name: Health Economics (MSc)

Total Course Credits:

• Core: 23

• Non-core (Electives): 5

• Thesis: 4

• Total: 32

Course Introduction

The Master’s program in Health Economics conducts an in-depth analysis of the sectors of production, consumption, and health policy. This field of study focuses on the instruction and application of economic tools and concepts across various health-related disciplines. It thoroughly examines the health market, including its evolution, key participants, available resources, and potential limitations. Furthermore, it prioritizes understanding the needs and collective health priorities, offering students a comprehensive health economics landscape.


Two primary values underpin the education of health economics: economic value and human value. Economic value, which plays an instrumental role in health economics, is concerned with the optimal utilization of resources in a given area, population, time, and place. Human value, on the other hand, focuses on the application of economics to improve health, increase life expectancy, and enhance the quality of life for members of society.

Consequently, this discipline values the preservation, proper use, and promotion of resources on one hand, and the application of these resources and processes to improve health, reduce mortality, and better lives on the other. In essence, health economics aims to establish a framework for economic decision-making in the healthcare sector and promote stable organizational behavior aligned with the optimal use of resources among healthcare service providers and institutions.


The objective of this field is to educate individuals who are well-versed in contemporary issues about health economics and are dedicated to the optimal utilization of resources in the healthcare sector. These individuals are expected to apply their knowledge and skills in executive, educational, and research capacities to serve society and contribute to the betterment of healthcare services



In the next decade, this field is expected to align with international standards, with a focus on educating individuals to make informed economic decisions in the healthcare sector. In terms of research, it is anticipated that this field will rank among the top countries in the region. The ultimate goal is to provide well-trained human resources capable of making sound economic decisions in the field of health.


Main Goal

This course aims to educate graduates who have gained substantial research experience in health economics and developed the skills to analyze the behavior of various groups involved in the production and consumption of health services, both scientifically and economically. Given the escalating importance of scientific advancement and the localization of contemporary sciences, including health economics, this course also strives to fulfill the pressing demand of medical institutions and decision-making organizations for graduates in this field. This is in alignment with the goal of optimal resource utilization.


Courses currently available:

Master's degree in Health Economics (non-continuous)

Master's degree in Health Services Management (non-continuous)



-Master's degree in Health Economics:11 students

-Master's degree in Health Services Management: 3 students

Total:  14 students


Specialized links

Useful web pages

1. CDC Wonder http://wonder.cdc.gov/

GREAT SITE! WONDER provides a single point of access to a wide variety of reports and numeric public health data. Wide-ranging OnLine Data for Epidemiologic Research -- an easy-to-use, menudriven system.

2. Health Economics.com


3. HealthEconomist.biz


HealthEconomist.biz is a blog concerned with the analysis of current issues in health and health care from an economic perspective. It provides authoritative insight and opinion on all topics in health economics, with particular emphasis on international comparisons, the economic evaluation of health technologies and the valuation of health.

4. Knowledge at Wharton Health Economics


5. Nordic journal of Health economics


6. Health Economics


7. International journal for equity in health


8. International journal of health care finance and economics




Address: Department of Health Economics and Management, School of Public Health, Nazlou pardise (Sero transition road, 11 Km), Urmia, Iran

Tel: +9844-32752300, +9844-32752304

Fax: +9844-32770047

Postal code: 5756115198

Web: https://health.umsu.ac.ir/index.aspx?siteid=13&pageid=30451

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