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  • Mar 9 2024 - 08:10
  • number of visits: 1095
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According to the International Affairs Office of UMSU

The poster of the 3rd Wana International Congress was unveiled

On March 3, 2024, the poster of the 3rd WANA International Congress (West Asian and North African countries) was unveiled by Dr. Valizad, the president of Urmia university of medical sciences(UMSU), and Dr. Fathi, the vice president of Royan Research

Dr. Valizad, the president of UMSU, said: the Vana countries include 33 countries with a population of more than 600 million people, which have a lot in common religiously, culturally, and religiously.

He pointed out: In addition to the participation of the professors and scientists of these countries, the Vana Congress will increase and strengthen the cultural, political, social and scientific relations between the countries.

He added: The countries of Vana region will present the latest methods and theories in the field of fertility and fertility preservation in this congress.

Dr. Valizad expressed his hope: the result of this congress will be the increase of the scientific capacity of Iran, the province and the University of Medical Sciences.

  • news group : news,events
  • news code : 3363
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