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*Amputating metacarpus, fingers or thumb

*Arthrotomy, drainage or removal of foreign bodies

*Complete rotator cuff tear repair

*Excision of tendon sheath or joint capsule lesions

*Excision of tendon sheath, forearm or wrist lesions

*Excision of the lesions, tendon, tendon sheath or joint capsule

*Humeral osteotomy with or without internal fixation

*Open treatment and fixation of radial and ulnar shaft fractures

*Performing excision or curettage on bone cysts or benign tumors

*Radical excision of the bursa, wrist synovium, or tendon sheaths

*Reduction of elbow joint dislocation manipulatively

*Spine fixation system adjustment, repair or removal

*Tendon sheath and surrounding local tissue reconstruction

*Tendon sheath incision (e.g. trigger finger)

*Tendosis of the Long Head of Biceps (LHB) tendon

*Tenodesis of interphalangeal, proximal and distal joints

*Tenolysis of forearm or wrist flexor or extensor tendons

*Tenolysis of palmar and digital extensor tendons

*Tenotomy of hands digital flexor, extensor tendons (open surgery)

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