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Public Health Department


Head of Department: Dr. Mina Maheri

Field of study: PhD in Health Education and Health Promotion

Academic rank: Assistant Professor

E-mail: maheri.a@umsu.ac.ir



Public health is defined as the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private communities, and individuals leading to improvement of society.

Students and faculty in a health care field are expected to be successful in management and supervision of health care delivery from the community level of health system by means of Health House and Rural and Urban Health Centers. The vision of Public Health Department is training the students at an advanced level.


History of Department:

In 1987, students were accepted into the field of Public Health for a daytime associate degree program with a focus on Family Health. In 1993, students were accepted into the field of Public Health for a night associate degree program with a focus on Family Health and Fighting Diseases. In 2010, students were recruited in the non-continuous bachelor's degree in Public Health and in 2011 in the continuous bachelor's degree in Public Health, and the first batch of non-continuous bachelor's degree students graduated in 2012. At the moment, student education continues at the continuous bachelor's degree in Public Health.

Department of Public Health of Urmia University of Medical Sciences has been training students in the master's degree of Health Education and Health Promotion (non-continuous) since 2018 and in the bachelor's degree of School Health (continuous) since 2022.

Students and faculty in a health care field are expected to be successful in management and supervision of health care delivery from the community level of health system by means of Health House and Rural and Urban Health Centers. The vision of the Department of Public Health is training the students at an advanced level.


The mission of the Department:

-Training students based on the curricular announced by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education

-Increasing students’ eligibility and competency to promote in Master and PhD level and health promotion in the society

-Providing Master, MPH and PhD courses in the School of Public Health


Courses currently available:

Bachelor's degree in Public Health (continuous)

Bachelor's degree in School Health (continuous)

Master's degree in Health Education and Health Promotion (non-continuous)


-Bachelor's degree in Public health: 118 students

-Bachelor's degree in School health: 76 students

-Master's degree in Health education and Health promotion:10 students

-Total:  204 students


Scientific Research Centers:

  • Reproductive Health Research Center
  • Social Determinants of Health Research Center

Topics for Scientific Research:

  • Health Care Quality
  • Reproductive Health
  • Hospital Administration



Media Lab:


The Department of Public Health has established and launched a Media Lab with the aim of improving the quality and quantity of education for students at different educational levels, particularly in the master’s degree program in health education and health promotion. This initiative is also aligned with the development of virtual education.

The launch of this unit will enable students to design and produce various educational media, including pamphlets, posters, and educational videos. The Media Lab aims to empower students by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to create effective educational materials.


Address: Department of Public Health, School of Public Health, Nazloo campus (Sero transition road, 15 Km), Urmia, Iran

Tel: +9844-32752300, +9844-32752304

Fax: +9844-32770047

Postal code: 5756115198

Web: https://health.umsu.ac.ir/index.aspx?siteid=13&pageid=30354



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