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About IPD

Medical tourism or health tourism is a trip with the purpose of treatment to another country. Citizens of a country travel to other countries to receive medical services due to reasons such as the lack of necessary medical equipment and facilities, the lack of up-to-date technologies, or the high cost of treatment.

Today, the provision of medical services to international patients has been given wide attention in the world, and many developing countries use this opportunity to increase their gross national product.

Health tourism in Iran in the current way was first noticed in 1382 (2003) and a year later it attracted the attention of the Organization of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism. In the same year, the first steps were taken to develop medical tourism in Iran.

Why Iran? Why Urmia?

According to the geographical conditions of Iran, the appropriateness of medical tariffs in Iran Compared to other neighboring countries, the presence of skilled and experienced doctors, as well as the presence of up-to-date technologies, and on the other hand, the reasonable cost of accommodation and travel in this country. Iran is the destination of choice for a large number of health tourists.

The city of Urmia, due to its unique geographical location and being at the four trade routes of the world and having tourist attractions and ancient history and rich culture along with the weather of the four seasons, as well as having expert doctors and up-to-date facilities and technologies Medicine is a suitable destination for health tourists.

Kowsar Comprehensive Women’s Training and treatment Center in Urmia has been operating since 1400 with the latest international standards and due to its high capacity and with the support of prominent and experienced professors in the field of infertility treatment, assisted reproduction and gynecological diseases. Also, the up-to-date clinical and para clinical facilities have been able to provide better services and are ready to accept international patients.


International Patient Department IPD:

Kowsar Women’s Comprehensive Center, due to compliance with patient safety standards and obtaining the highest national grade based on accreditation criteria based on the evaluations of Ministry of Health and also based on the regulations issued by the Ministry of health regarding the acceptance of international patients, since 1402 it has obtained a license to admit and hospitalize international patients.

The IPD unit of this center is composed of experienced and committed doctors fluent in international languages and expert who are ready to provide services to international patients 24 hours a day

International Patient Department IPD services:

  • Separate admission for international patients
  • The presence of an IPD expert who, as soon as the patient arrives, while welcoming and providing basic training regarding the material and moral rights of the patient, makes the necessary coordination for timely hospitalization, the presence of the IPD doctor and the visit of the IPD doctor and the visit of the attending physician ,and directly supervises the safe performance of all patient actions until discharge and answers all questions related to the services and medical care of the patient and patient’s family.
  • Creating a separate space for admitting international patients
  • The presence of expert and distinguished doctors from the university faculty members
  • The possibility of using expert advice from all medical groups
  • There is a translator fluent in English, Kurdish, Azeri and Istanbul Turkish
  • Amenities such as: VIP bed rooms, well-equipped restaurant for the use of companions ,easy access to travel agencies, ATM, convenient lobby, up-to-date cooling and heating facilities, etc.
  • Submission of all forms and documents in English
  • Responding to patients’ questions via IPD doctor’s email
  • Follow up treatment and recovery process after discharge
  • Provide self-care training to the patient in the patient’s dominant language


Infertility services

In the infertility department of the Comprehensive Women’s Center which consists of an infertility clinic, an operating room, a laboratory and an inpatient department, the most up-to-date services in the field of infertility and assisted reproduction are provided.

The treatment team of the infertility unit consists of professors of the infertility fellowship faculty, professors of the urology faculty, anesthesiologists, embryology doctorates, clinical psychologists and nursing, laboratory, operating room, and anesthesia experts.

Patient appointments are made by phone and in person.

International patients will be seen by an on-call doctor as soon as possible with special arrangements if they come in person. Also, if there is a specific doctor in mind, necessary arrangements are made for appointments.

Foreign nationals who intend to follow their treatment process in this center must present their passport to the reception unit in addition to the hospitalization order by the doctor.

The treatment process of the patient is carried out under the supervision of the relevant professors and under the direct supervision of the IPD expert and the head of the department.

Other services of Kowsar Women’s Comprehensive Center:

Women’s specialized services include: Delivery, surgery, oncology, perinatology, hysterectomy, colposcopy, amniocentesis .    

Clinical services: women’s specialized clinic including surgery, oncology and perinatology

Para clinical services: Laboratory, pathology, imaging (Digital radiology, mammography, ultrasound, CT-Scan, MRI) echocardiography for children and adults.


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