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*Arteriovenous anastomosis (open and through vein displacement)

*Blood vessels reconstruction (direct, neck area, upper limbs or hands)

*Dressing Change (except for burns)

*Excision of abdominal wall and subfascial tumors

*Excision of cysts, fibroadenoma, or any other benign tumor

*Excision of pilonidal cyst or sinus, simple or extensive

*Excision of soft tissue tumors located in the forearm or wrist area

*Excision of soft tissue tumors located in the pelvic and subcutaneous hip area

*Excision of soft tissue tumors located on patient flank or back (up to 5 cm)

*Excision of the chest wall tumors without rib removal

*Excision of the nail and nail bed (partial or complete)

*Excision of the oral vestibule mucosal or submucosal lesions

*Excision of tumors located in the legs, subcutaneous or deep tissue, or subfascially

*Excision of tumors or vascular malformations located in the hands soft tissue

*Exploration (without surgical treatment) with or without releasing agent

*Fissurectomy with or without sphincterotomy, cautery of anal fissures،

*Foreign body removal from the arm or elbow area

*Foreign body removal from the soft tissue

*Implanting mesh or prosthesis for incisional hernia treatment

*Intralesional injections (for more than seven lesions)

*Intralesional injections (for one to seven lesions)

*Layer-by-layer closure of the face, ears, and eyelids wounds

*Layer-by-layer closure of the scalp and armpits wounds

*Lesional surrounding tissue relocation and repair (for areas more than 30 cm2 or more) - normal or complicated cases

*Nail removal with or without nail debridement, with or without nail hematoma drainage

*Open removal of deep foreign bodies located in the forearm or wrist area

*Open treatment of arteriovenous fistula

*Patergy testing and interpretation (Behcet test)

*Performing biopsy or excision on deep axillary or breast tumors

*Performing incisional biopsy of the neck area (single, multiple or local)

*Perineoplasty (perineal reconstruction)

*Primary inguinal hernia reconstruction

*Providing ready stitches or stitch adhesives with no size limit

*Radical soft tissue tumor resection (malignant cancers) of the arm

*Relocating and transferring of tissue adjacent to all parts of the body

*Removing the drainage catheter with no limit

*Sclerosant solution injection (10 injections each)

*Sclerotherapy by all available method (with more than 20 injections)

*Sclerotherapy by all available method (with up to 20 injections)

*Stab phlebectomy of varicose veins (via subtle incision)

*Surgical treatment of anal fistula (fistolectomy-fistulotomy)

*Umbilical hernia reconstruction

*Varicose vein bundle occlusion, cutting or excision

*Venous port or peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) removal (all methods available)

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