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The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

The Department of Toxicology & Pharmacology is equipped with an academic lab for conducting analytical projects and recognizing toxins in the environment and foodstuffs, and for investigating the mechanisms of toxin impacts at cell and tissue levels, as well as for identifying the effective molecules in treating cancers through cell culture, and through searching for acute and chronic intoxication impact of herbal products; and isolating, recognizing, identifying, and determining their active biological structure; determining drug toxicity impact on CNS and human behaviors, and also studying the toxico-kinetic and pharmaco-kinetic impact of drugs.



Address: School of Pharmacy, Nazlou Campus, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, I.R.IRAN

Tel: +9844-32754990

Fax: +9844- 32754991

Web: http://pharm.umsu.ac.ir/

Email: academic.relations@umsu.ac.ir

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